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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.90 (5 Голосов)

Dijon was invaded on June 17th, 1940. These are the German troops gathering in front of the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, a 14th-to-18th-century building which is the city hall.

On September 11th, 1944, the Allies reached the city

Crowds flooded the streets to celebrate.

This palace remained the town hall and a major tourist spot


The Wehrmacht orchestra playing at Parc Darcy


The 13th century church of Notre Dame overlooks German soldiers


German officers photographed front of the Parc Darcy fountain


Place François Rude

In the forties, Place François Rude was covered with old-fashioned ads. Today, it’s a tourist spot with timbered walls, a carousel and artworks.

Guards in front of a mansion in Rue Monge

I feel personally involved in this picture, since my grandpa Maurice was a baker in this street, and could have been in real trouble if the Germans had discovered he had fled Compulsory Work Service and had a fake ID.

When and where it all ended

The Free French Forces triumphantly drove in front of the Palace of the Dukes. The occupation of Dijon is over.

François Pompon’s Bear



# Quatro 2016-11-14 03:55
Оркестр Люфтваффе, а не Вермахта играет в парке Дарси.

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