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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 (3 Голосов)


 Mitsubishi F1M. Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island. 1945
Colour by Colour by RJM




Была бы интересна сопроводительная информация, кто это и где.







 Профессор Московской консерватории Ильченко выступает перед солдатами на фронте.


 Locals watch as troops and police inspect Messerschmitt Bf. 109E-1 (W.Nr. 3367) "Red 14" of 2./JG52, which crash-landed in a wheat field at Mays Farm, Selmeston in East Sussex, in the afternoon of August 12, 1940.
Its pilot, Unteroffizier Leo Zaunbrecher, had a bullet wound in in his left shoulder and other minor injuries and was taken to a local hospital.
Damaged in combat by P/O John Arthur Peter McClintock of 615 Squadron.
McClintock was killed on 25th November 1940, when he crashed in a Miles Magister at Sunningdale after a wing broke away at 200 feet. P/O AJJ Truran of 615 was also killed.
The soldier standing by the open cockpit is most likely Sgt. Major Moule O/C 'D' troop, 326 Battery, Royal Artillery
(Photo source - © IWM HU 50153)
(Colour by Doug)



 A Luftwaffe anti-aircraft team operating an MG-15 7.92 mm machine gun at an airfield perimeter in the summer of 1939.

 A Luftwaffe anti-aircraft team operating an MG-15 7.92 mm machine gun at an airfield perimeter in the summer of 1939.












Lieut. Arthur Richard Hezlett, RN (centre), the Commander of HMSM URSULA (N59), with some of his crew after reaching Gibraltar harbour. 11 December 1941

HMS Ursula sunk a 5000 ton supply ship and damaged others on that last patrol.
Hezlet was the commander from 6 Sept 1941 to 6 March 1942

During 1942 she was released from service in the Mediterranean and returned to UK for refit before being deployed in Home waters. During July she carried out a patrol in Arctic waters to provide anti­submarine protection against attacks on the ill-fated Russian convoy PQ17 and returning QP13. She returned to the Mediterranean in October 1942 and took part in interception patrols during the allied landings (Operation TORCH). In a subsequent patrol the next month she sank two supply ships and whilst attacking this convoy was rammed by one of the mercantiles under escort. The damage sustained made necessary a return to home waters and she was selected for transfer to the Soviet Navy.

Renamed V4 (B4 in Russian) she joined the Northern Fleet in 1944 and was returned to the RN with two other submarines of this Class in 1949. Placed on the Disposal List she was sold for breaking-up in December that year and arrived at Granton in May 1950

(Photo source - © IWM A 6508)

(Colour by RJM)






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+2 # Oldman 2020-06-22 22:29
Последнее фото перед "царским" памятником. Два источника, российский и китайский, указывают, что это балтийские моряки в Петрограде. Год 1919

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