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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 (5 Голосов)

Henschel, HS 293, Glide Bomb

60 cm Mörser Gerät 040 “Thor” Battle of Svastopol 1942.

Reinhard Heydrich in his teenage years, with his uncle. © Max Williams

The Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (“Arrow”) was a World War II heavy fighter built by the Dornier company. The two-seater trainer version was also called Ameisenbär (“anteater”). The Pfeil‍ '​s performance was much better than other twin-engine designs due to its unique “push-pull” layout and the much lower aerodynamic drag of the in-line alignment of the two engines. It was Germany’s fastest propeller plane in WW2.

The Luftwaffe was desperate to get the design into operational use, but delays in engine deliveries meant only a handful were delivered before the war ended.

unkers Ju87 Tankbuster

The fifth prototype He 177, the V5, with Stammkennzeichen code “PM+OD” and early cockpit design used on the first eight prototypes.

Landwasserschlepper (LWS)

SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop, the son of the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, received on 15 July 1943 the Knight’s Cross for his actions and determination during the Battle of Kursk. . On 12 July Ribbentrop’s tanks were attacked by a large group of T-34s. As the range reduced to less than 175m (200yd) the effectiveness of the German guns was neutralized. Ribbentrop and his crew succeeded in destroying, for that day alone, 14 Soviet tanks.

“USS Tennessee (BB-43) pitching in heavy seas, while operating in the Pacific Ocean, 1945. Collection of Rear Admiral Calvin T. Durgin, USN, donated by his Daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Sherrill, 1972.”

(NHHC: NH 104442)



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