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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.67 (3 Голосов)

шлем рышаря

A Milanese burgonet, bearing the visage of a terrifying dragon. (Musee de l’Armee)

Royal horse armor of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III, 15th century AD.

Burgonet belonging to Charles V.

Burgonet belonging to Charles V.

Gladiator helmet found in Pompeii and richly decorated with scenes of Greek mythology, 79 AD

Gladiator helmet found in Pompeii and richly decorated with scenes of Greek mythology, 79 AD

Viking warrior’s jawbone and helmet, discovered in southern England, dating back to 975-1025AD. He was probably a victim of execution of 54 Norse man on Ridgeway Hill.

German Great Helm from crusades. XII century

German Great Helm from crusades. XII century

Armour of Henry, Prince of Wales for the field, tourney, tilt and barriers. England, 1608

Armour of Henry, Prince of Wales for the field, tourney, tilt and barriers. England, 1608

Burgundian helmet belonging to Gustav Vasa, king of Sweden. 1540.

Burgundian helmet belonging to Gustav Vasa, king of Sweden. 1540.

Helmet with Tengu Mask and Crows, Japan, 19th century

Funeral helmet of Albert von Prankh, Austria, 14th century.

Funeral helmet of Albert von Prankh, Austria, 14th century.

Kiptschakischer mask helmet from the 13th century, Archaeological Museum Krakow

Kiptschakischer mask helmet from the 13th century, Archaeological Museum Krakow

Catfish-Tail (Namazuo) KAWARI KABUTO. Edo period (17th-18th century), Japan. An eight-plate shiinari (“acorn”-shape) helmet bowl built up into a tall namazuo, or “catfish tail,” shape with wood, papier mâché lacquered silver over a black ground, a four-tiered black-lacquered hineno-jikoro (close-fitting neck guard), with a simulated band tied at the front forming a maedate (forecrest)

Closed Burgonet (Siege Helmet), c. 1620  Northern Italian  Steel H. 22.9 cm (9 in.)



Cuirass of rifleman Fauveau holed by a cannon ball, Battle of Waterloo, 1815


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