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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.92 (6 Голосов)

4 мая 1945 года Ганс-Георг фон Фридебург подписывает сдачу Вооруженных сил Германии в палатке Монтгомери.

Handley Page Halifax III, photographed during a series of shots on a flight of the 28th January 1944. At the time of the photograph this aircraft was not allocated to any unit but was later given No. 51 sdqn RAF, as part of No. 4 Group RAF, as part of RAF Bomber Command's strategic bombing offensive against the Nazis, operating from RAF Snaith, in East Yorkshire.

Just two months later, this aircraft LV857, took off for a night sortie at 22.11 hrs on the 30th March 1944, from Snaith, and was shot down in the early hours 31st by a Me110 night-fighter (Oblt Martin Becker 1/NJG6) crashing 400 meters south of Rossbach. The crew were buried at Hannover cemetery.

American soldiers watching the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, March 1944.

On 18th March 1944, a two week long eruption began with lava from the summit of Mount Vesuvius. Soldiers and airmen of the 340th Bomber Group were stationed at the Pompeii Airfield just a few miles from the base of the volcano. On March 22, they were forced to evacuate, leaving behind 88 Allied aircraft. After the volcano subsided, they returned on the 30th to find the planes were a total loss. The airfield was dismantled and the 340th relocated to Paestum Airfield on March 23, 1944.

(Photo source - 'Life' Magazine by British photographer and Magnum founder member, George Rodger)

Colmar area, 4 February, 1945.

Japanese soldiers stand in attention during sunrise in Wuchang, Wuhan, China, 1938.

The Battle of Wuhan was a large-scale battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Engagements took place across vast areas of Anhui, Henan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Hubei provinces over a period of four and a half months. This battle was the longest, largest and arguably the most significant battle in the early stages of the Second Sino-Japanese War. More than one million National Revolutionary Army troops from the Fifth and Ninth War Zone were put under the direct command of Chiang Kai-shek, defending Wuhan from the Central China Area Army of the Imperial Japanese Army led by Shunroku Hata. Chinese forces were also supported by the Soviet Volunteer Group, a group of volunteer pilots from the Soviet Air Forces.

German panzer 3 crew of the Afrika Korps, turret mark shows the crew claimed to have shot down a RAF aircraft on 16 May 1941.

Two US Marines of the 4th Marine Division stand atop Mt. Suribachi, overlooking the remainder of Iwo Jima, part of which is still held by the Japanese. Feb 25, 1945

Photo provided by the Marine Corps University.
Photographer - S/Sgt Mark Haufman

(Colorized by Jared Enos from the USA)

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